


検索IoT devices deployment , 合計 17 items
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アプリケーション  学ぶ  ビデオの長さ - 3:49
A HMI and RTU industrial automation solution demo which is designed by Nuvoton’s partner. Nuvoton NUC970 series supports 2D Graphic and RGB 24-bit LCD display interface. With different LQFP package and DRAM embedded, NUC970 provides a solution platform for HMI products. NUC980 series does not have graphic engine, but supports up to 10 UARTs with DMA mode. Using DMA mode can reduce CPU loading and provides a better computing requirement. NUC980 series also supports different wireless modules. It is suitable for Industrial IoT applications. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-nuc980-iiot contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
アプリケーション  学ぶ  ビデオの長さ - 3:16
This short video clip introduces a real smart meter design in starting volume deployment in South Korea. A real meter machine and mobile phone APP show the auto meter reading online. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
製品  アプリケーション  ウェビナー  ビデオの長さ - 39:46
In this webinar, we discussed the Nuvoton NuMaker IoT Platforms that are supporting Arm Mbed OS and Pelion Device Management services. We also showcased how you can use these reference designs to build and manage your smart IoT devices and applications. Host: Austin Blackstone, Lead Developer Evangelist - Arm Pelion / Mbed OS Speaker: Morgan Du, Principal Engineer - Nuvoton IoT Development Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xSSzc0RBZXPjgrEwlC53MFNNMK7vVBOB/view?usp=sharing Learn more about the Nuvoton IoT platform: https://bit.ly/3gRRvSX Learn more about the Nuvoton NuMaker-IoT-M487 platform: https://bit.ly/2QSafqW Shop the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board: https://direct.nuvoton.com/en/numaker-iot-m487 #Product #Application #Webinar #General #en
ビデオの長さ - 4:59
Secure Smart Metering Communication Reference Design Hi everybody, today we are going to introduce a reference design of Smart-Metering communication card based on NuMicro M2351 Series microcontroller. You can find useful security features based on the Arm Cortex-M23 CPU core with Nuvoton’s in-house technology integration. The auto-metering is an infrastructure for automatic, remotely, wire or wireless meter data reading. It’s highly possible to be intervened if there is no security mechanism. That is a very typical IoT security issue in the IoT era. In many countries, there are a lot of Auto-Metering Infrastructure (AMI) projects being undertaken by main electricity power companies worldwide. Most projects start from upgrading the communication modem cards as the first step rather than retiring the meters. The modem card can play as a gateway to monitor the incorrect device operation and data transmission security. Issues of modem card security are covering: First, a limited performance due to crypto computation efficiency Second, speed limitation due to interface choice The third, cost burden due to extra hardware modules for different communication protocols Nuvoton’s reference design of Secure Smart Meter Communication is an end-to-end security solution for AMI. With the collaboration with SPI-Korea, the solution incorporates a lot of advantages such as TrustZone security for firmware, a range of interfaces for device communication, secure over-the-air firmware update, and remote management. With the complete hardware specification of M2351, a security software company, SPI-Korea, can easily implement their secure AMI solution for modem card which connects meters and cloud servers. M2351 also contributes the crypto acceleration during the cryptographic computing in order to save CPU time for different communication protocol modules by its powerful hardware functionalities during message transmission outside of a microcontroller unit. SPI-Korea has developed a range of Armv8-M TrustZone based technologies. Her expertise covers Boot Manager, Key Manager, and Device Manager, which is very useful for microcontroller security and certainly shows the stability of a microcontroller device. Also, they are certified by Korea Electricity Company. We hope this successful experience can be further adopted in other areas worldwide because it’s a secure, accurate and environmentally safe solution for AMI. This slide is a picture for SPI-Korea AMI modem card design. NuMicro Family microcontrollers can be utilized for designs of auto-metering infrastructure devices. We start from AMI modem card and we are confident to support meters of any next-generation of AMI. We now integrate M23-based microcontroller with M4-based or Arm9-based microcontroller as a proposal for next-generation modem card of Korea AMI and we hope to provide high-performing cost-effective solution for all AMI devices in the future. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
ビデオの長さ - 1:26
Voice controlled electronic devices have become a popular trend. The advantage is that electronic devices can be controlled without hands. For this scheme, we use Google TensorFlow as the algorithm development environment of speech recognition for deep learning. Then we implement speech recognition on NuMaker-PFM-M487 platform, and realize an offline and instant speech recognition system by Keyword Spotting. Nuvoton Website: www.nuvoton.com
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